TESS – Teacher Excellence Support System (Arkansas)

by / Tuesday, 05 August 2014 / Published in News


To coincide with the rollout of the new TESS system in Arkansas, we've created a new TESS Tool that will help you build and track Artifacts. This is a tool you can use to aid you throughout the year and is meant to be a companion app to the Bloomboard tool required by the state.

Features Include

  • Statistics for tracking the number and type of Lesson Plans you create and number of times you login.

  • Summarized reporting for your Component Usage, as well as links back to more detailed reporting.

  • Ability to upload and attach documentation for any type of Artifact for any Domain.

  • Send us your feedback on this tool and let us know if there are any enhancements you'd like us to make.
    My Lesson Planner Staff