Annual Rollover + New Features
Annual Rollover
During the summer, we implement the annual rollover plan to lock-in your lesson plans for the current year, clear out your attendance, standards-usage, and several other pieces to make way for the new school year. If you have any questions regarding the Annual Rollover process, contact support.
New Features
Components - We've revamped the Lesson Plan components feature to make it easier to add new components. If there are any 1-click components you'd like for us to include, send them our way!
Printing - You can now print multiple lesson plans at once using our new Multi-Lesson Plan print report. Look for it under the Reports menu.
Attachments - The process for adding and removing Attachments to your Lesson Plans has been streamlined.
Subject/Weekly Planner - Many, Many improvements to the Subject/Weekly Planner. It now has access to many of the same features as our Daily Planner. The biggest improvement is that it can now make use of all the various Layout options.
Students - The process to upload a CSV (comma-separated-values) file of your Students has been added. This is a quick and easy way to upload all your students to make use of the Attendance and Progress Monitoring/RTI features.
Reflection - A dedicated Lesson Plan Reflection feature has been added to the Lesson Planner. Use this to capture your reflection post-planning. We are working on providing additional reporting options to coincide with this new feature.
Helper Block - When you create an empty Lesson Plan, we will now auto-create a new Lesson Block that includes an overview of the features to help point you in the right direction.
Be sure and send us any feedback you have on these new features as well as your ideas and suggestions for new features.
My Lesson Planner Staff