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Individual Teachers can sign up for our low-cost annual subscription.
If you are a previous Subscriber whose membership has expired and you wish to renew your membership, then please continue to the Member Login page and we'll take you to the right place.
If you represent a school or district and would like a price quote, please use our Price Quote Request form so we can gather the necessary information to build a customized quote just for you. Discounts are available for Multi-User and Multi-Year contracts!
- Number of Teacher Accounts
- Lesson Plans
- Templates
- Standards
- Lesson Plan Library
- Progress Monitoring / RTI
- 24x7 Support - Nights & Weekends too!
- Curriculum Mapping
- Lesson Plan Review
- Teacher Management Portal
- Number of Principal Accounts
Individual Teacher
30-Day Trial
then only $19.95/year
- One Teacher Account
- Unlimited Lesson Plans
- Unlimited Templates
- All Standards
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- Unlimited
- -
- -
- -
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Terms and Conditions
The Registration/Checkout Process
Access to utilize our Products and Services is provided instantly ( immediately ) after you've paid for your order. Upon completing checkout, you'll be given the opportunity to log into the site. We will also send you an email after checkout, with a link to the login page, just in case you missed something. After paying for your order, you may log into the site and begin utilizing the Product(s) and Service(s) you paid for.
Digital Goods & Services ( No Refund Policy )
Since is offering non-tangible, irrevocable, digital goods and services; we do NOT issue refunds, which you are responsible for understanding.
Updates, Security Patches & Compatibility
Cross-Browser Compatibility / W3C Standards Compliance
Our Products support all modern web browsers (PC & Mac) including (but not limited to) Firefox®, Safari, Google® Chrome, Opera & Internet Explorer. While we strive to give every Product a seamless & near-identical experience across each of these browsers, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of web standards support (relating to XHTML & CSS) in some of these browsers; particularly with Internet Explorer. In the case of a browser ( or a particular version ) not supporting certain web standards, we will include a generic workaround for that browser ( when possible ), which will degrade a specific function/feature gradually, and in a way that doesn’t affect the user experience negatively.
Ownership / Intellectual Property Rights
You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership over any of our Products, modified or unmodified. All Products are property of ( Teach With a Purpose, Inc. ). Our Products are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall ( Teach With a Purpose, Inc. ) be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, or other losses arising out of the use of, or inability to use our Products.
Our Customer Service & Support Policy offers its Products "as is", with no implied warranty or guarantee that they will function exactly as you wish, or with all 3rd party components and plugins. Further, individual subscriptions are entitled to support via email only.
Prices Are Subject To Change reserves the right at any time, and from time to time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, a Product (or any part thereof) with or without notice. Prices of all Products and Subscriptions, including, but not limited to monthly Subscription fees ( if applicable ), are subject to change upon 30 days notice from us. Such notice may be provided at any time by posting the changes to the website.
Warranty / Guarantee does not warranty or guarantee the Products in any manner. We cannot guarantee our Products will function with all 3rd party components, plugins or web browsers. Please ensure that the browsers you use will work with the Products you desire, as we can not guarantee that our Products will work with all browser combinations.
Future Modifications / Policy Changes
( Our Company reserves the right to change or modify the current Terms & Conditions with no prior notice. )