Before You Cancel!

Did you contact our Customer Service Department?
If you're having technical issues, we're here to help you. Simply send us an email at

If you've already made up your mind, simply fill out the exit survey below. We would appreciate it if you could explain why you are canceling your membership and if you wish, we can discuss any problems you have with the aim of reaching a solution.

    Your My Lesson Planner UserID (required)

    Your email address (required)

    Your state (required)

    Your position, grade, job title (required)

    On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with My Lesson Planner? 1 is poor and 5 is outstanding (required)

    12345N/A --I didn't work with the software enough to rate it

    What was your primary purpose for subscribing to My Lesson Planner? (required)

    Teacher Evaluation DocumentationLesson Plan SharingIntegrated StandardsProgress Monitoring/RTILesson Plan TemplatesOnline Digital Lesson PlanningEasy Lesson Planning

    What was the primary reason you are canceling your membership with My Lesson Planner?

    I just changed my mindI'm only canceling for the summer monthsI only want the free trial at this timeI am retiring or leaving the professionI am no longer required to write lesson plansI need something different for my lesson planning needsMy state standards were not available or were not currentI think My Lesson Planner is too expensiveI felt My Lesson Planner was too complicated for my needsMy school requires me to use different software

    How did you hear about My Lesson Planner? (required)

    I used My Lesson Planner at a previous schoolA friend recommended My Lesson Planner to meAnother site recommended My Lesson Planner to meI saw a My Lesson Planner adI searched for lesson planning softwareI was searching the Internet for something else, and came upon My Lesson Planner

    Was our Customer Support Team helpful and courteous when you contacted us? (required)

    YESNOI never contacted Customer Support

    Please leave us feedback to help us help you:

    After you submit the form above, Click Here to go to the Cancellation Form
